

Join us as we promote positive, forward momentum for growth and development throughout our City. The EP Forward campaign is about bringing our community together; to speak in one, powerful voice to say, "Let's keep it going!"

We'd love for you to be a part of this movement. We invite individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, community organizations, churches, clubs, civic groups – everyone – to join us. Use the form below, and use your own social channels to tell your story about EP, what makes you proud, and how you want to see El Paso keep moving Forward.

Thanks for being a part of EPForward!

  • Tracy Yellen, CEO, Paso Del Norte Foundation

    El Paso is a city that continues to give back. Through my work at the Paso Del Norte Foundation, I have seen incredible giving at all levels - from larger legacy and estate gifts to non-profits investing in our community. The people of El Paso care about the health, education and quality of life in the region and I am proud to be a part of moving El Paso forward, strengthening our community of Philanthropy.

  • Dr. Sylvia Acosta, YWCA of El Paso del Norte Region

    YWCA has been part of the El Paso community since 1909 and has witnessed the city’s growth for 109 years. Our mission has always been to empower El Pasoans, particularly the women of El Paso, and we are proud of how far our city has come. We are grateful for the leaders and innovators, from our organization and countless others, for their tireless work. We are honored to unite and celebrate our city’s history, present, and future.

  • Anthony “Tony” Tomasheski, CEO, The Boys & Girls Clubs of El Paso

    When I think of El Paso, I think about the future. Many of the young people who grow up here will remain in El Paso, or they will return to raise their families here. Like the work we do at the Boys & Girls Clubs to produce informed, involved community members, El Pasoans’ efforts to build a dynamic, vibrant city represent a long-term investment for future generations. #ElPasoForward connects those dots and celebrates locals who are leaving a legacy for our kids.

  • Tresa Rockwell, Executive Director, Progress321

    The future of our city’s progress depends on the engagement and investment of our young professionals today. Through Progress321 mentor opportunities, we are helping to connect today’s leaders with those of tomorrow. We are seeing a resurgence of young talent who are stepping up to the plate to ensure El Paso is positioned for success and growth in the years to come.

  • Marybeth Stevens, Better Business Bureau El Paso

    For too long, the narrative about El Paso has had little in common with what is actually happening across our community. From my work with 1,500 local businesses, large and small, I can tell you that El Paso has become a place of tremendous growth and opportunity. It is a pleasure to have a platform to highlight the positive changes happening across the city.

  • Scott Walker, Executive Vice President, MIMCO

    In the last ten years our city has seen tremendous growth. Through new construction and development MIMCO has added hundreds of new tenants to our portfolio, bringing new businesses to El Paso - companies that not only pay property taxes that go directly back to our city, but that also add more jobs for our community. There is tremendous opportunity now to keep El Paso moving Forward.